Plains Art Museum, through May 30, 2021
A multi-year project in creation that will result in a two-gallery exhibition and several programs, High Visibility: On Location in Rural America and Indian Country is diverse in content and media. Visitors will engage with installations, performance works, interdisciplinary work, alongside traditional 2 and 3-dimensional pieces chosen to reflect the myriad dialogues of perceptions, realities, and issues of rural life, as well as the social, cultural, and historical conditions which shape their expression.
This exhibition presents a diverse range of artworks, practices, and histories from rural America and Native Nations where rural location is sincerely central to the artist’s creative practice, with a primary but not exclusive focus on the Plains region. National and Regional multi-disciplinary contemporary artists include M12, Raven Chacon, Lisa Bergh and Andrew Nordin, Erika Nelson, Jason Vaughn, Aaron Spangler, Cannupa Hanska Luger, and Athena LaTocha.
This exhibition presents a diverse range of artworks, practices, and histories from rural America and Native Nations where rural location is sincerely central to the artist’s creative practice, with a primary but not exclusive focus on the Plains region. National and Regional multi-disciplinary contemporary artists include M12, Raven Chacon, Lisa Bergh and Andrew Nordin, Erika Nelson, Jason Vaughn, Aaron Spangler, Cannupa Hanska Luger, and Athena LaTocha.
High Visibility was collectively curated by Matthew Fluharty of Art of the Rural and the Plains Art Museum staff: Andrew J. Maus, Director and CEO; Netha Cloeter, Director of Education & Social Engagement; Tasha Kubesh, Curator of Exhibitions and Collections; and Joe Williams, Director of Community Education & Director of Native American Programs.
Generous support for this exhibition is provided by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, with continuing research and projects supported through its Curatorial Fellowship support of Matthew Fluharty. This project is made possible in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Director’s Welcome, Andrew J. Maus
Introduction, Matthew Fluharty
For further information on this exhibition, please visit:
Generous support for this exhibition is provided by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, with continuing research and projects supported through its Curatorial Fellowship support of Matthew Fluharty. This project is made possible in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Director’s Welcome, Andrew J. Maus
Introduction, Matthew Fluharty
For further information on this exhibition, please visit:
Artists included in the exhibition:

One Mississippi [001], 2015 & Two Mississippi [014], 2020

Joe Harjo
Indian Holding a Weapon (Breath), 2019

Sabrina Hornung
Jackalope Valentine, 2016

from The Unchosen Ones, ongoing

Buffalo Prairie (Slow Burn), 2019

Marcus Lund
from Grandmother’s Instructions (for four future directions), 2020

Sara Pajunen, Mine Songs, 2020

Black Hornet #5 (Crush), 2020

Stoppage 1 (For Marcel), 2020

Family Oil Deposits: West Anderson Family, 2020

still image from A Charge To Keep

Eva Mendez with Portrait of her Father, Crookston, 2017

Husk, 2020

Return, 2016

American Ledger No. 2, 2019

Lillian Colton
Amelia Earhart, 1996

Bruce Engebretson
All Water Holy Water, 2018-19

Two Sided Woman II, 2020

Finish What You Start (Advice From Minnesota Grandmothers Series), 2016

still image from We Live, from the Future Ancestral Technologies project, 2019

Agroccult series, 2010-current

Gremlin Cache, 1973-2020

Prairie Road #2, Western North Dakota, 1980

Tripod Untitled series, 2018-2020

In Lottie’s Living Room, 2020

Lakota Quarantine Bandana, 2020

Waupun, WI, 2013